Saturday 23 April 2022

How the eye works

 By changing the amount of water in this @pasco lens used in the demo eye model the students were able to use the same lens to create both concave and convex lenses and gain a better idea how the eye worked.

Friday 22 April 2022


Using to create the practical guidelines for some of the experiments. The students seem to easily follow the diagrams and set them up correctly. 


Thursday 21 April 2022


 Making a lot of noise and some pretty shapes in the lab #iteachphysics

Wednesday 20 April 2022

Sometimes we just need to get the pullies out in Maths.

Maths is largely an abstract subject, but sometimes when studying subjects like Mechanics, then it is necessary to get the pullies out to improve our understanding of the problem and then the quality of the learning increases dramatically.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Rapid V/I Curves

 Using @pascoscientific voltage-current sensor with the wireless airlink to create a very fast V/I straightline for a resistor and a not so straight line for a bulb.

Monday 18 April 2022

Food Tests

Students trying to remember

Benedict's Reducing Sugars


Biuret Proteins

Iodine Starch

Fats Alcohol and cold water

Sunday 17 April 2022

Goldleaf Electroscope

 I really hadn't appreciated how hard it would be to get a gold-leaf electroscope working. The first model I had used dutch metal and I couldn't get it to work, but this model with real gold leaf did work eventually with me leaning how to attached the gold leaf properly. Putting the gold-leaf on is really quite difficult until you know how.

A level computing 12 Mark questions

Practice planning the 12-mark A-level computing questions. It is not just about getting the facts down but also about organizing them effect...