Thursday 25 April 2024

Electricity Revision

 The challenge: Revise all the electricity Topic in 1 hour and carry out 3 required practicals. Easy with the @pascoscientific voltage/current sensor and Capstone, printing out perfect graphs of the results for all the students. All the Demos were done by students. Even I was surprised at the speed we covered all the experiments.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Lascells Cloud Chamber

This is what a cloud chamber should be like. This is the Lascells Cloud Chamber. It is set up in minutes, and after 5 or so minutes, trails from the supplied Thorium welding Rod can be seen, and the students can see the radiation.


Tuesday 23 April 2024

Centripetal Motion

 Demonstrating that a ball does indeed travel in a straight line when released from the centripetal force The ball travels around the loop until the loop is lifted then it carries on in a straight line. The loop was made from a hoop with insulating foam around it.

Monday 22 April 2024

Milk decay Experiment

 The milk decay experiment. Most of the students I talked to had no idea what this experiment showed - many had not done it because of a lack of time or resources. It is such an easy experiment to do and get good results.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Exam Diary

 Some of the Students are prepared and ready for this. A few are thinking about starting to revise soon, but most are in between desperately trying to learn all sorts of things and identifying new patterns.

Saturday 20 April 2024


 Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP are the essentials for easily making a fully functional web server. This can be created on a Raspberry Pi system in a few minutes and then connected to the internet, and it just works - serving up web pages to the world 

Friday 19 April 2024

Kipps Aparatus

 One of the most iconic pieces of Chemistry equipment is the Kipps Apparatus. The students are fascinated by how it produces gas at any time it is needed and how, just by turning a tap, the reaction can be stopped and started again.

Electricity Revision

  The challenge: Revise all the electricity Topic in 1 hour and carry out 3 required practicals. Easy with the @pascoscientific voltage/curr...