Sunday, 21 April 2024

Exam Diary

 Some of the Students are prepared and ready for this. A few are thinking about starting to revise soon, but most are in between desperately trying to learn all sorts of things and identifying new patterns.

Saturday, 20 April 2024


 Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP are the essentials for easily making a fully functional web server. This can be created on a Raspberry Pi system in a few minutes and then connected to the internet, and it just works - serving up web pages to the world 

Friday, 19 April 2024

Kipps Aparatus

 One of the most iconic pieces of Chemistry equipment is the Kipps Apparatus. The students are fascinated by how it produces gas at any time it is needed and how, just by turning a tap, the reaction can be stopped and started again.

Thursday, 18 April 2024


 Investigating Momentum using two @pascoscientific smart carts and a couple of other carts of the same mass. The figures in Capstone clearly showed the relationship in seconds. With the magnetic bumpers on one side and velcro on the other, the idea of elastic collisions and non-elastic collisions was successfully demonstrated.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024


When teaching maths, making drawings look right helps the learning process. Using templates makes good-looking images happen fast, and using a visualiser or a tablet and the templates, put these up on the screen so the students know exactly what is happening.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Visualizing Sound waves

 Visualising sound waves using an oscilloscope and then comparing different students' making the same sound gave some insight into just how complex language and sound-making in the mouth are.

Monday, 15 April 2024

Capillary Rise

 Investigating how the bore of a capillary tube affects the height that the water will rise.. As the bore becomes thinner, the water rises more. With very fine capillary tubes, the water rises to almost the top of the equipment. - and Xylem cells are much smaller.

Doppler Rocket

Demonstrating the Doppler effect with the @pascoscientific Doppler Rocket: As the rocket moves away, students can hear the pitch drop (red s...