Monday, 5 September 2022

Calculators and Sketches

 Often in A level Maths questions the student has to sketch a graph. Using a graphical calculator helps with this demonstrating what it should look like so the sketch produced by the student is more accurate.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Properties of a Capacitor

 A level Physics - looking at how to make a capacitor, how them work, and creating our own from aluminium foil and paper

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Computing Storage capacity technology advances

 How data is stored in cameras has changed over the past few years and how the storage capacity has gone up. Keeping up with technology changes in Computing is a constant challenge

Friday, 2 September 2022

A level chemistry Experiment

 A level Chemistry working out the formula mass by measuring the mass of the gas lot to fill up a 600cm3 cylinder with butane/propane gas to determine the ratio of the mixture and knowing the exact pressure and temp

Thursday, 1 September 2022

Investigating Friction on Different Surfaces

 Starting the year 10 syllabus by having a look at friction on different surfaces. This is always a surprising result for the students and they have to get used to the idea of designing their own experiments. Four surfaces given and five needed, caused some thinking to be done

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Investigating Joints

 How does the knee work? What muscles are used? What forces are involved? How can we measure those forces? Questions and investigations that get the students to think and design experiments, even those who fail are a great learning experience.

Doppler Rocket

Demonstrating the Doppler effect with the @pascoscientific Doppler Rocket: As the rocket moves away, students can hear the pitch drop (red s...