Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Using Data-loggers to speed up the process

Introduction to Data Loggers.

Experiments take time. And much of this time is often wasted trying to learn how to record. This is a very valuable skill but once learnt data-loggers can take over this chore and allow the student to do more learning and less recording.
Using state of the art sensors connected to a computer we can now carry out the experiments and pull out all the information about the process quickly and accurately and get to the learning point. Using these sensors we can also pull out other useful information which is otherwise not readily available to learn more about the processes. The data-loggers cover all aspects of Science and also cover all the A level Biology Chemistry and Physics.

The sensors are linked directly to the computer. They capture data every few fractions of a second and send this to the computer where the data is displayed in a table for the student to work on or more usefully as a graph to display the features of the experiment.

The data-loggers enable far more complex experiments to be carried out and in a fraction of the time taken to do the experiments manually. This is also good preparation for business where things are usually carried out by machine and the students can see for themselves how processes work in a more business like and professional manner.
Using this data-logging equipment gives the child an advantage over others so that they can become better scientists.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Schools opt for less subjects but better grades

This is a sample of some of the emails I receive

"My child wants to do triple science, but has been told that the school will only enter them for double, as they believe this will 'maximise the child's grades and therefore their life chances'.  i.e. they would rather the child got two As or A*s than risk getting 3 Bs." 

I agree.  This is a load of rubbish, but is a problem that schools are making on their own.

Very commonly schools believe that students cannot improve. 

Schools are ranked on what grades the students get. It is in your childs schools interest that your child takes fewer subjects with higher grades than taking more subjects and possibly getting a lower grade. 

The school can now only count the first time a student takes an exam for their performance figures.

This is often why this rule about double / triple science exists. The school does not want to have any poor grades. The schools are scared of  a child  getting lower grades which will lower the schools performance average.

It is in the schools interest that your child does less subjects with better grades and nothing to do with your childs progress.

It seems that schools are out for themselves and not putting the child first - just to get higher up a league table. What is the benefit to a school that has good league table results if it doesn't try to help children suceed

Doppler Rocket

Demonstrating the Doppler effect with the @pascoscientific Doppler Rocket: As the rocket moves away, students can hear the pitch drop (red s...