Friday, 22 March 2024

Shapes of Molecules

The shape of the molecule affects the shape of the crystal. Modelling using dice shows how different shapes can and can't fit together and gives rise to the crystal shapes we observe.


Thursday, 21 March 2024

Lenz's Law

 Demoing Lenz's Law but using the @pascoscientific Metre Stick so the students can see what is happening. It stopped all the argument about slowing down by banging on the side of a copper pipe or becoming stuck or me having another magnet in my hand

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Maths Equipment

Attempting to get all the students to have to hand all the basic Maths Equipment that they may need, A calculator, decent compass, 360 protractor, tracing paper pencils and rubber. Some come better equipped but most fail to have all the basics.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Magneticforces in a wire

Measuring the magnetic field forces in a wire using an electronic balance with different voltages and recording the orientation of the field according to the electronic flow. 


Monday, 18 March 2024

Liver as a catalyst

 Comparing Catalase in the Liver as a catalyst with Potassium Iodide to look at the different rates and how effective enzymes are. We managed to cook the liver pieces with the violence of the reaction.

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Raspberry Pi Server

 Resources are always a problem in teaching, and letting students build and maintain their own servers is only possible using Raspberry Pi computers running Linux. The students learn so much from building and running their own computer systems.

Friday, 15 March 2024

Exothermic Reaction

Adding Magnesium turnings to copper sulfate gave a nice temperature rise recorded on @pascoscientific Capstone. Different groups doing different experiments meant that we could easily share the data.


Doppler Rocket

Demonstrating the Doppler effect with the @pascoscientific Doppler Rocket: As the rocket moves away, students can hear the pitch drop (red s...