Saturday, 27 May 2023

Typical week

Variety is what a typical week looks like. For some, there are loads of revision and test papers, while others are investigating Rubens tube, or doing a required practical, making up solutions, or carrying out electrolysis, either online or in person.


Friday, 26 May 2023

Thermal expansion making up solutions.

 When making up solutions - why is the temperature so important. Students made up a solution of NaOH to the correct molarity, then after cooling, they saw that their perfect solutions weren't so perfect after all. Lesson Learnt.

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Plancks Constant Apparatus

The last two LEDs on the Plancks constant apparatus are in the IR and invisible to the naked eye but easy to see with a phone or a digital camera. Should we use the camera to obtain readings for these values, as the camera might give different weights to the human eye?

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Maths Paper 2

Using the #CalculatorPaper as a clever mirror for reflecting calculations! #TechHack #Innovation

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Convex lens to explain ripples

Explaining to students why the ripples in a ripple tank look the way they do by using a convex lens to show the thicker parts of the wave are lighter because it is concentrating the light and the thinner parts are less white because they are more spread out.


Monday, 22 May 2023


Using the camera quadrat to survey a transect across an area of grass, close to and far away from a tree, looking at the different plants growing at different distances. All use the same data to analyse. Excellent use for AI to count and identify.

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Inside a computer

 It doesn't have to be a computer because it contains a motherboard and processor and RAM in it. This motherboard is in an electronic organ. It is a computer but it is not quite what a student expects to see.

Sugar added to food

  Exploring sweet taste preferences in A-Level Psychology: Evolutionary pressures associate sweetness with high energy and non-toxicity. Foo...