Saturday 30 September 2023

The Nature of Light

Red and Green Make Yellow. In years 10-11 this is the first time many students have mixed light and become aware of how light is different to paint. And that the sun produces white light broken into a spectrum rather than a yellow sun they got taught in primary school.


Friday 29 September 2023

Balancing ionic Equations using Ionic cards

Balancing ionic Equations using Ionic cards. Using the Visualiser on the desk to take images and place them into the electronic book to record the results.


Thursday 28 September 2023

Simple Harmonic Motion

 A spring and a mass using @pascoscientific ultrasonic motion sensor is an excellent introduction to Simple Harmonic Motion. Within seconds, we had Position, Velocity and Acceleration graphs to compare the motion of the spring, and then, including a force meter, we could capture all the info.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Matrix Manipulation made easy

Matrices aren't hard but they certainly are laborious. The @CasioMaths CG-50 calculator makes Matrices very easy to manipulate so the student can get on with the important thing of learning how to solve problems using Matrices.

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Lasers online

 Teaching all about reflection and refraction online. In the lab, we can work in a darkened room with a light source, Online, we have to use the laser in a Wave Tank using Fluorescein dye to help the green laser show up so the students can see the path of the beam of light.

Monday 25 September 2023

Competition in plants Experiment

Comparing the growth rate of cress seeds sown 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 in a petri dish. Each day, we looked at and compared the heights of the tallest plant as they germinated and grew.. Conclusion: the best cress for eating was in the 256 as they were the tallest. Healthy eating, too.

Other things being equal, does the presence of other plants from the same species affect the growth of individual plants in a predictable fashion?

Starting Procedure:

  1. Obtain a set of six petri dishes Put an inch or two of tape on each pot as a label and label each petri dish with the number and type of seeds to be planted in each plus something to identify them as yours. Use pencil as the pots will be sprayed regularly with water and left in sunlight. Ink can fade and wash away but the pencil marks should persist.
  2. Fill each petri dish with cotton wool.  
  3. Plant either 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 seeds in each petri dish Do your best to space them evenly over the dish
  4. The plants will be watered and tended for the next several days.
  5. Once the plants have germinated measure their growth at the same time each day.
Try another experiment using the same number of seeds but this time half are mustard seeds and the other half are cress. Make sure to mix them.

How do the results compare?

Sunday 24 September 2023


 Normalisation seems like a black art to many students, but getting the data to 3NF becomes quite easy using a stock, order and customer table. Real-world examples which many on to use in jobs in the future.

Saturday 23 September 2023

Westminster motor

 A very successful Westminster motor build with it rotating at high speed. Sometimes it just works like this. Other times, it is a struggle. Getting the commutator right is the skill and a small amount of sticky tape.

Friday 22 September 2023

Alkali Metals Reactions

The Alkali metals are always a good start to Chemistry comparing their hardness, how fast they oxidise when exposed to air and of course their reactions with water. Lots of fun and lots of science Why are the metals stored under oil and why are they double stoppered?


Thursday 21 September 2023

Determining G

We went to determine G using a Lego ball drop experiment - 8.8 m/s2 and then via the @pascoscientific picket fence and lightgate. 9.81 m/s2 spot on on the second go.


Wednesday 20 September 2023

Planning ahead

 I had a look at the new Blackmagic Camera coming out in October. I think it will be ideal for in front of the organ, so we will need a wide-angle lens for this so I decided to try out the Olympus 14-42 Lens

First Principles

Diving into differentiation from the first principles. Starting with the basics and then tackling more complex equations.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Centre of mass

Irregularly shaped objects and finding their centre of mass. Also fun with the broom. With this simple trick, it is easy.

Monday 18 September 2023

Blood types

Year 9 students learn all about blood types and how the antigens work. Who is the universal donor and who is the universal recipient, using synthetic blood.


Sunday 17 September 2023

Disk boot speed

 What is the speed difference between booting from an M.2 drive, an SSD , a hybrid drive and a fast hard disk. The students set out to find out. The order did not surprise anyone but just how slow the fast hard disk was did.

Saturday 16 September 2023

Classroom Computer

 The student's classroom computer can now access the smartboard and a local screen as well as a visualizer and a graphics tablet - which should make for easier work creating notes.

Friday 15 September 2023

Collection over water

 A simple experiment that always seems to create problems for students - how to fill a measuring cylinder with water and then invert it without getting a drop of air inside. Cling film works best 

Thursday 14 September 2023

Air pressure, density and temperature

 Creating a test tube submarine. Investigating how the effects of air pressure, temperature and density affect the homemade test tube submarines. 

Math Paper Practice

 Maths papers to start the year. We start with one a week at both A level and GCSE and later after Christmas move up to 2 per week.

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Boyles Law

Boyle's Law is a fundamental concept in #Physics and #Chemistry. It states that when the temperature of a gas is kept constant, the pressure and volume are inversely proportional. So, as volume ⬆️, pressure ⬇️, and vice versa. Understanding this law helps us explore the behaviour of gases!

Monday 11 September 2023

Emmas Heatbeat

Using the electronic stethoscope connected to a phone, to record students' heartbeats

Sunday 10 September 2023

Start from Scratch

Sometimes it is best to start with a clean operating system and install everything how and where you want it. Students install Python3, an Apache web server and Django to control their Python programs in a Web environment.


Saturday 9 September 2023

Expansion of Metals

Exploring metal heating and properties, especially the bimetallic strip. 🌡️ Some essential topics vanish from the syllabus and skip years 7-9. It's concerning when Year 11 students miss out! 📚 #ScienceEducation #TeachingEssentials


Friday 8 September 2023


Making some very pretty ligands using Conc HCl with Copper Chloride to make the yellow colour of  CuCl2 and then Ammonia Solution to make the deep blue of Copper  Ammonia ligands, then onto bidentate with ethylenediamine and then  a multidentate with EDTA


Thursday 7 September 2023

New Casio Calculator

 The new Casio fx-85GT CW is different to the older calculators. It is very different to use and has new menus. Many of the usual features are hidden behind menus and many new exciting and useful features, such as number lines.

Pressure Temperature Law

Using the @pascoscientific wireless pressure sensor to understand the pressure-temperature law. As the temperature increases the pressure increases if the volume remains constant.


Wednesday 6 September 2023

Solving Quadratics

 A-level Maths: Many students need to remember that all the papers are calculator papers, and they can use the calculators to solve the quadratic and use the graphing functions to help them see the shapes of graphs.

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Centripetal force

 Demonstrating that a spinning ball in a glass can be lifted into the air.

Monday 4 September 2023

Which natural antiseptic works the best

A good fun practical all made with natural ingredients to investigate which is the most effective antiseptic plant extract to kill bacteria. As well as some of the normal heroes students tried out some of their own ideas


Network Topology

 Learning all about network topology is not about looking at a diagram, it is about building and using a network and wiring from scratch and learning about traceroute.

Saturday 2 September 2023

biology field trip writeup

Trying to help a student with a biology field trip write-up. It's difficult when they don't know the trip's aim; they only have half of the data, and the other groups did the recordings differently, and they didn't take any photos or GPS tag anything.


Friday 1 September 2023

Universal indicator

 An excellent year 7 practical introducing indicators as chemicals that change colour according to the pH. Except this was for year 11 students who didn't know about Universal indicator because they hadn't done any experiments until the required practicals in year 10.

Chemistry visualising problems

  Stereochemistry is very difficult to visualise, even sometimes when playing with models.  Even looking at this, some students couldn't...