Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Online Maths classes

 Online Maths lessons seem to be very popular. No travel and working with virtual classmates. The difference is in the production, two-way interaction, using phones as tablets and whiteboarding as well as multiple cameras and visualisers. The setup does make a difference in education. Teaching and demonstrating GCSE and A-level Maths and Further Maths at Hemel Private Tuition, part of Philip M Russell Ltd.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Old Oscilloscope

 Getting out the very old Oscilloscope to demonstrate how the machine works. The lid comes off easily revealing all the parts inside. Students are amazed at the size of a CRT.

Monday, 14 August 2023

Linking Sciences

 Food tests where Chemistry and Biology interact. I like to remove artificial barriers between the sciences and get students to think about linking Engineering and Maths with Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Laptop upgrade

 How to revitalise an old i7 laptop by adding a 1TB SSD and upgrading the RAM to 16Mb from 8Mb for £80. Reinstalling windows from scratch and a terrific boost in speed. This 10-year-old laptop was faster than many students' laptops after the upgrade. Teaching and demonstrating A-level Computer Science at Hemel Private Tuition, part of Philip M Russell Ltd.

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Fun with Transformers

 Using transformers to set up, set down and isolate. The students liked the idea of isolated circuits with seemingly no generator or battery to power them, just a magnetic field at Hemel Private Tuition part of Philip M Russell Ltd.

Friday, 11 August 2023

Dissolving Lead Iodide in Hot water

 A fun reaction is to mix Potassium Iodide with Lead Nitrate. More fun =is to then heat the solution to drive the reaction backwards and then let the Golden Rain form. It takes a long time to do and so I often prepare another one ahead of time

Thursday, 10 August 2023

GCSE to A-Level Maths

 Upgrading your Maths - going from GCSE to A-Level is quite a jump and this course makes it much easier. Students learn much harder GCSE problems and how to solve them, which makes the A-level start so much easier.

Optically active Glucose

  A-Level Chemistry: Viewing a glucose solution through two polarising filters. The light is initially extinguished, but glucose rotates it,...