Monday, 19 June 2023

ECG sensors

 Connecting students to the @pascoscientific EKG sensors (ECG) and recording their heart rates before and after exercise. The students can clearly see the structure of the electrical signal and can label their own, which is more fun and rewarding than just learning from a diagram.

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Computing Projects

A-level computing Projects are on their way. Some using LAMP - Linux Apache, a database - often MariaDB and Perl/Php or Python as a basis for the development running on a Raspberry Pi. Many have some AI in the proposals, as this seems a great introduction.

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Peacock Ore

 Behold #PeacockOre – a dazzling delight of nature. The colours dance & shift as you move it around. It's a beautiful blend of copper & iron sulfides, chemically Cu5FeS4. Easily one of the most enchanting ores out there. #Minerals #Geology

Friday, 16 June 2023

Rates of Reactions

Lots of use of the @Pascoscientific kit this week, today measuring the rates of reactions at different temperatures, plotting the rates, and trying to work out the relationship. After a go on the board the students discovered that Capstone could do this automatically.


Thursday, 15 June 2023

Modelling Mechanics

 Using the inclined plane and a Newton meter to examine the forces involved. Changing the runway surface to change the friction coefficient to investigate how the forces change. Altering the angle to change the sin and cos values. Lots of calculator work.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Perpendicular Gradient Rule

I was going through some AS Maths Questions with some students and I was surprised that none of them had met the Perpendicular Gradient Rule

Gradient of Line 1 x Gradient of Line 2 = -1 if perpendicular

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Heating and Cooling

Heating and Cooling using a couple of @Pascoscientific wireless thermometers linked to Capstone to capture and print out the data. The students were deciding on whether black or white radiators were the best.


Computing projects nearly done

  This year's A-Level Computing projects are nearly complete! Building and getting them to work is just half the battle—documenting the ...