Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Thermoelectric Converter

Having some fun with the thermoelectric converter, Ice cold water on one side and near boiling water on the other and getting the fan to spin for quite a while, then repeating with different temperatures in both and timing the fan movement.

Monday, 4 April 2022


Using a sonometer to tune a string to a particular frequency using a paper hanger, looking at the relationships between length, tension and thickness on the pitch.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Covalent Bond Revision

 Using @snatoms to help with GCSE Chemistry Revision. The models are so quick to made and the students really enjoy these so much more than other s we have. We made dozens of models in a few minutes.

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Faradays Laws

Investigating dropping a magnet into a coil. Changing the number of turns, changing the speed of the magnet and changing the polarity of the magnet to see what happens.

Friday, 1 April 2022

Total Internal Reflection

I find this one of Physics bits of magic how total internal reflection works. Creates lots of fun predicting what might happen and then trying it out and seeing that something else happens and then trying to come up with an explanation and a rule. Real Science

Thursday, 31 March 2022


How thick is the book? The students got out their rulers with vastly different answers then they tried the callipers and micrometers to get a better value - looking at accuracy and significant figures that someone can read to and why you might need it. #iteachphysics

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Exam Questions

 Its that time of year to practise exam technique to improve the answers, structuring those long 6 mark GCSE questions. #Iteachphysics

Optically active Glucose

  A-Level Chemistry: Viewing a glucose solution through two polarising filters. The light is initially extinguished, but glucose rotates it,...